一 你只需努力,剩下的交给时光就好。晚安。You just have to work hard and leave the rest to time. good night.
二 你的幸福可能会姗姗来迟,但是绝不会缺席。晚安。Your happiness may come late, but it will never be absent. good night.
三 你的笑容才是最美的风景,晚安。Your smile is the most beautiful scenery. Good night.
四 不念过往,不畏将来,晚安。Never mind the past, never fear the future. Good night.
五 生而为人,请务必善良。晚安。Be kind please. good night.
六 凡事无需刻意,一切顺其自然。晚安。There's no need to be deliberate in everything. Let it be. good night.
七 适合自己的生活就是最好的生活。晚安。A life that suits you is the best life. good night.
八 你想要的人生只有自己能给。晚安。You can only give the life you want. good night.
九 宁可痛快的哭,也不勉强地笑。晚安。I would rather cry happily than smile reluctantly. good night.
十 脚踏实地,你的路都是你该走的路。晚安。Down to earth, your road is your way. good night.